
Get Your Tetanus Shots Ready For Bike Kill 2010 This Weekend

Well, I can't say too much about this event, but if you haven't been to one before, you have to go.   Simple as that.  Combine lotsa booze, crusty punks, bike fanatics, costumes, blood, broken bones, ambulances, fire, and all that shit, maybe a touch of vandalism.    Oh, did I mention bikes, a shitload of homemade bikes.   

Not to be missed, get yer ass over there this Saturday.   And I'm not joking about the tetanus shot.

Want a taste of previous years, take a gander HERE, but it doesn't come close to capturing the insanity and fun of being there.

I'm gonna go out on a limb with these details, since I don't really see em posted up anywhere else, maybe someone can chime in to confirm.

Saturday Oct 30th 2010
2PM til ???
Bed Stuy - Sandford and Willoughby (Near Home Depot off Nostrand)

1 comment:

Curtis Chorizali said...

that is the ugliest flier ever.