
Knights Of Bruklyn Homebrew Competition

Now, before you start thinking about that stint you did up state and drinkin all that pruno.....
....this is not that type of party.    Sure prison wine has its own time and place, but I'm pretty sure if reps from Six Point and Kelso are in the house, the standards will be a bit higher.  17 beermakers will be sharing their suds for free.    This is a pretty cool opportunity, cause most folks don't really get a chance to drink homebrew (either the shitty kind or the good kind).    Last homebrew i had was crusty punk cider years back, which didn't sit to well the next day, but as a famous man once said "IT'LL GET YA DRUNK!!!!"

So, Tuesday June 15th at Union Hall in Park Slope, 7pm, drink some beer, learn a bit about the homebrew scene, eat some stinky cheese from Stinky Bklyn and even some beer and bourbon flavored beef jerky. All free.    And since things come in three's now, two more of these are lined up later in the year.

Why would anyone give away their blood, sweat, and tears (well, that would be the name of my homebrew.  which is better sounding then Accatone's Blood, Semen, and Urine Lager)??    Winner gets to brew a keg full of their winning beer at the Six Point Brewery in Red Hook.   and 40 virgins in heaven.   

"JUICE!!...THAT WAS A GOOD ONE!!........."

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