anyways, i stumbled across this gem at Best Buy in late '98 and bought it off the strength of having a Wu logo on the cover...

(*actually born in NYC...spent some time in G-Rap as a teen before going back to NYC to start his music career. but being that i living in GunRu at the time he is officially from Grand Rapids in my book)
so now its 2010 and i knew the guy has been active all along, but i wasn't really following him closely. he had guest spots on various Wu tracks here and there, but wasn't really prolific. then somehow i stumble across this the other day...
Now we've got an artist thats near & dear to me, a video with clips from Ninja Scroll, and some concise tight lyrics. its one of those tracks that i wish was 3x longer cuz it leaves you hungry.
here's another one i like with his kid bro Willie the Kid...
Now, throw into the mix shooting scenes from City of God, The Wire, and New Jack City and i'm ALL OVER that shit. i'm not saying that everything he spits is "Hot Fyah" (as the kids say nowadays...), but he's worth (re)discovering.
and the song that started it all...recently featured on Hip Hop Aint Dead v.27!
judis thats alot of point blank murderin in that video....
well, that IS the best kind of murderin.....
that track is better than the whole willie the kid album i got. nice. now i gotta find more, evidently i decided too quickly on dude
i've heard some negative comments about his involvement with Willie the Kid and the Apphiliates (sp? never even heard of this crew...), so this mite be the only gem out there. but La's flow is always pretty solid....
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