
The Food Life: A taste of WD-50

A full report coming soon, for now, a taste. Bone marrow, beets and potatoes of sorts.

Twenty Inches

Many years of fun on this bike, hopefully many more are to come.


Why I'm Gonna Go Ride Today - Argentina and Spain

Love these edits. Love riding my bicycle. That second edit, its too damn good. Damn.


The Food Life: Xi'an Famous Foods

This place needs no introduction. Its delicious and that's that. That right there is the very basic spicy cumin lamb burger.


Flying Lotus

Oooooooh niiiiice. 

Best of Cell Phone Pics vol 33

Berlin crazy shit

"this lonely bench captures how i feel about sunsets on the beach"

Bad Pussies

Roundin up the kids for Jesus

New Orleans

Over by Treme




Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

This will be nifty as all hell, since Far Cry 3 is one hell of a beast as is. Exciting lil expansion here, eh eh.


Beach Day

Drove out to Far Rockaway few days back, bumpin some sweet emo rap. It was very windy, bright and fun.  Bueno.


Dating Tips Vol 1


1) Keep eyes open
2) Use inner and outer lips
3) Look as awkward as possible in front of a fireplace
4) Remember to use upper and lower lips
5) If you need to get warmed up to your partner, imagine THIS VIDEO in your head

If this is too much for you, you might need to watch the beginner video or take advice from Trina and Stack$   and skip this procedure all together.


The Last Of Us

June 14th will be a good day. Check out the machete action at 1:40, snap.


The Food Life: v59 - Yum

Swedish Lamb meatballs. Potato Gratin. Baby Brussels sprouts and pancetta.


Two Wheels