I'd like to say upfront: thanks to all the fans who pestered me during the Shook Guns Hiatus. I was feeling a bit low and unmotivated after having my gun blow-the-fuck-up in my face, but seeing this video brought it all together for me.
Not to sound all heroic and self-important, but this is what i'm here to protect you from. You can be Hip-Hop and throw your guns up, but you can't be all Wack-Ass Tapco-Totin bitches like these punks. Just like Dead Prez made it cool to be Revolutionary (But Gangsta...), I'm here to make sure you don't look like a fool when you pull your heat.
Where to begin? Best to go in chronological order I suppose...
0:12 there is way too much silence in the beginning of this vid. 12 seconds. Also please note that I'm not going to comment on the lyrical content of this song. It was hard enough to watch this 3 times to make this post, I can't really rehash all of their lyrical failures
0:25 although the first shot shows this Tapco'ed out AK47, this shot really captures the glory of it. A huge-ass muzzle-shroud that does NOTHING functional but look stupid & adds 5-6" of length to the gun = FAIL. Cheap made-in-China red-dot sight mounted 4"+ over the bore ensures that this gun cannot be properly zeroed for effective use from 0-200meters. Gay-ass laser and flimsy tall bipod are the most worthless. Note also the UTG (airsoft) rail covers on the top rail in front of the sight, where they couldn't possibly be touched (rail covers are to shield your hand from heat and the sharp edges of the rails).

1:06 Although i've previously appreciated the classic style of the Masterpiece Arms MAC clones, having the stupid barrel shroud (and holding onto it while shooting off the bench) is retarded.

1:35 Pistol-Grip shotguns are good for breaching doors. Period. and that is all they're good for.

1:51 See that red thing on the side of the gun? Century Arms puts that on there to prevent the charging handle from poking through their shitty-ass boxes during shipping. It's not supposed to stay on there. That's like leaving the protective film on your Ipod/Phone/etc...

2:03 Ammo that comes in plastic bags is SHIT. If they can't afford boxes, they can't afford to make decent ammo.

2:32 Struggling to seat the 75rd Drum in your AK = GANGSTA! These guys are so fucking dumb they didn't realize they should edit this FAIL out of their video...
(you're doing it wrong:)

3:04 Sure, its just an AK and all, but this is nothing to brag about at less than 50 yards...isn't that Chinese reddot and laser helping?
this guy probably shoots better:

In closing, this is basically my Hater-rant against my fellow gun folks. Stop piling the douche on your guns, and learn to shoot them. Stop buying the cheapest possible accessories to make your gun look a certain way. You don't have to buy top-of-the-line, just use what you have to maximum effectiveness.
This is why a 13 year-old Afghani kid is completely badass, while the 'tards in this video look like queer-baits.
future post ideas are always welcome in the Comments...