New dirt spine at Cunningham park. Bike felt great with the Titty Bars.
Cunningham Pumptrack
Took my NS Capital with brand new 2" Yowelli Titty bars for a little ride in Cunningham park. It was a gorgeous Monday morning and it seemed that I had the whole park all to myself. Riding along is a whole another experience. I got there around 9am and rode until about 1. Made an attempt to hit every trail in the park, trying to get lost, it was a great time. Amazing weather with bright sun, yet cool breeze. Days like these remind me why I love biking so much - riding around in the woods, for hours, with no destination in mind. Can't wait to go back.
09 ns capital,
cunningham park,
yowelli titty bars
Limited Edition C2D Shirts Are Here!
They are finally here. A limited batch of hand made C2D t-shirts is here. Hand made as in straight up hand made by our own digits, here, in Brooklyn NY. As always, we know what you need. We know you've been asking us for awhile about these - well, here they are, for your wearing pleasure.
First, the shirts themselves were hand made by robots at Hanes factory in Dominican Republic. Then after the robots were done, they gave the shirts to us. We then made our own silk screen and in a secret C2D HQ location we printed these, just for you.
These Limited Edition batch of shirts are Large, Concrete Grey with Black logos. For only 10 bucks. Free fast shipping. This batch will sell out fast, so don't sleep. Get them at our C2D Online Store!
While you're there, grab some stickers and cozies while you're at it.
First, the shirts themselves were hand made by robots at Hanes factory in Dominican Republic. Then after the robots were done, they gave the shirts to us. We then made our own silk screen and in a secret C2D HQ location we printed these, just for you.
These Limited Edition batch of shirts are Large, Concrete Grey with Black logos. For only 10 bucks. Free fast shipping. This batch will sell out fast, so don't sleep. Get them at our C2D Online Store!
While you're there, grab some stickers and cozies while you're at it.
c2d tshirts,
dominican robots,
hand made,
silk screening
TURRBOTAX® w/ Ben UFO, Oneman & Archie Pelago
Friday, June 24th, 10pm – 4am
The Cove
108 N. 6th Street, Williamsburg BKNY (btw Berry & Wythe)
FREE before 11pm, $5 btw 11pm and Midnight, $7 after Midnight
FREE Asahi Beer from 11pm – 12am
Ben UFO (Hessle Audio / RinseFM – London, UK)
Oneman (501 Recordings / RinseFM – London, UK)
Archie Pelago LIVE
Space Jam
Rem Koolhaus
Facebook Invite HERE.
The Cove
108 N. 6th Street, Williamsburg BKNY (btw Berry & Wythe)
FREE before 11pm, $5 btw 11pm and Midnight, $7 after Midnight
FREE Asahi Beer from 11pm – 12am
Ben UFO (Hessle Audio / RinseFM – London, UK)
Oneman (501 Recordings / RinseFM – London, UK)
Archie Pelago LIVE
Space Jam
Rem Koolhaus
Facebook Invite HERE.
501 recordings,
archie pelago,
ben ufo,
hessle audio,
rinse fm,
Micro DH
I need to get my bouncy bike out. Do some hoppin and droppin.
markov alex,
micro dh
C2D cozie pimpin
Pic spotted on zee Facebooks. Thank you for your support! If you don't have yours yet - order it right over here, and grab a sticker too!
NS Capital - Updated
Decided to snap a few shots of the Cap before I put the 2" Yowelli Tittie Bars on. Also, finally got around to building up a new back wheel with a nice old school Odyssey Hazard hub with 12T and put a 29T Tree Lite splined sprocket upfront. I must say I'm enjoying this weird ratio. Need to put a new chain on, as this current one has seen better days. The 2" Yowellis are on now, but they need to be chopped down from 30+" to about 28" - but I must say they feel good. Added a Knog flashy light on there too. Note the duct tape cable holder jobby and half removed underpaint decals. Damn bike is lookin raggedy as hell - a rat rod if I must so say. I gotta put some time into this puppy and get it looking sharp.
09 ns capital,
marzocchi 4x,
tree 29t,
Riot 2011
Roasting marshmallows on taillights, yo;
Vancouver vs. Boston, Stanley cup game. Fans here are hardcore, but no one thought they were this destructive. Bruins fans could roam the streets and simply be taunted in Vancouver (we are in Canada), while those Canucks fans in Boston got smashed, pissed and spat on. From the start of the playoffs through the Stanley cup, the police here in Vancouver were seemingly... nervous. There were riots in '94 when the Canucks lost to the New York Rangers, but that was comparatively weak to what happened this past Wednesday. Already operating on a tight budget, the police drew upon private security firms, out of city enforcement and increased the number of speed traps / check points dramatically... there was an obvious increase in police viability on and off the road... they needed money. And this is why;
By the end of the second period, people were getting antsy. It had been about 15 years since this hockey fan town has seen anything so glorious (though they did just have the Olympics)... and having been "robbed" of the chance to fight for the cup in '94, people were getting heated. By the time the third period had ended, and Vancouver laid slain, bloody and angry upon the killing fields, the first few cars began to get smashed, torched and within twenty minutes a 5 x 4 block radius erupted into, blissful ignorance; beautiful chaos. Called a disgrace by many, enchanting by others; it was nonetheless, an anarchist ball... a true party. Of course, how could I not mention the "fog" affect that makes any party up to "par." Immediately after the first car or two had been torched and / or flipped, tear gas kicked off the rowdy nature of us all.
As the party escalated, the destructive nature spread through out the city. Hummers torched and rolled, mini coopers, smart cars, an M5, an A4, two cop cars, a pick up truck, two other sedans... the list goes on and on. And once those cars had been burned or dominated, where to next? ... In the city of glass, one brick, one rock, one sign... ignited it all.
Once the first few windows dropped, with that awesome, unique and definable shattering-clattering noise, the looting game.. was on. A tuxedo shop, a coffee shop, London Drugs (a classy Rite Aid), Sears, The Bay (a Bloomingdales kinda-deal), Future Shop (where you get yo' subs dunny), Seven Eleven and more: done-dadda. Watches, food, clothing, money, electronics, jewelry, ect - gone out the windows of those with and with out masks (and some are already... fucked.). By no means were there no police. In fact, the full riot squad was out with reinforcements from two outer lying towns... yikes. But fuck it, people got their loot on, their drink on, their chaos on, their fire on. That is, until at various points the men in blue, on horse back, would come charging into the lines of rioters and / or those hundred that got fucked on the spot, got fucked on the spot by men with wooden bats behind thick plexiglass shields.
Ultimately, the night was a success for some and a dismal disaster for others. People got knocked out and badly hurt by fools lurkin in the shadows, tossing out cheap, hard shots, or instigating fights over truly whack - and bitch - things. Despite a lack of unity amongst the rioters, as long as you kept smart about fists, bottles, knives (and other sharp objects) as well as blunt objects... flying thru the air directed, or indirectly directed, towards your dome piece... it was butter out there. Smile, cause this shit does not happen enough.
To end it all - how could you not with such a mass fervor of anarchy - a rave like scene blew up just outside the heart of ultimate chaos. sweat from dancing, sweat from burning shit, stealing shit, running (and away) from shit, all began to drop into a pool below hundreds to thousands of people that just wanted to get their fuckin' funk, or freak, right on.
Last but not least, we all gotta keep it nyce.
(photo 1, 16, 18 courtesy of whoever took 'em, sorry for the cell phone pictures.)
(photo 1, 16, 18 courtesy of whoever took 'em, sorry for the cell phone pictures.)
stanley cups,
vancouver riots
My DHX 5 got PUSHED!
Excited to throw it on the Bottlerocket and rip it up. Just got the Fox upfront serviced too. Let see if I can tell the difference.
BFF New York Grands: An Urban BMX Race
Time for a bomb
The Last People present the BFF New York Grands
A BMX race, New York City style.
A BMX race, New York City style.
"Get back to the roots of BMX with a race through the streets of the city, battling your friends to the finish. Bump elbows for the holeshot, from the starting point along the East River at 23rd Street. Navigate your way to two undisclosed checkpoints where you will have to roast an obstacle of some kind. Then sprint your way to the finish line at the Bicycle Film Festival street party. Then, catch your breath, sit back and enjoy the BMX screenings.
Top 10 finishers get free entry to the screenings, and will be awarded some awesome prizes from Quintin, FBM, Sunday, Terrible One, Dig, Anthem, Act Like You Know, Franchise, Post, and some of BFF's sponsors including a pizza from Two Boots. Awards will be announced inside the theater (Anthology Film Archives) at 6:00 pm. Be ready to shred!"
Top 10 finishers get free entry to the screenings, and will be awarded some awesome prizes from Quintin, FBM, Sunday, Terrible One, Dig, Anthem, Act Like You Know, Franchise, Post, and some of BFF's sponsors including a pizza from Two Boots. Awards will be announced inside the theater (Anthology Film Archives) at 6:00 pm. Be ready to shred!"
To be honest, you had me at Winner Gets A Free Pizza! Cowabunga dude!
bff ny grands bmx race,
bike film festival,
bmx only,
the last people
Shook Guns Part 9
Shook Guns Part 9:
Fun with SAWs
After my corporate reprimand at C2D HQ earlier this month, I was given the ultimatum to deliver a new Shook Guns post or else take up that job offer for Martha Stewart Living Magazine Online...
So I was gonna do a profile of this slick new AR I built up recently:

But while we were at the ACTS match in Tucson today we ran into this little gem and suddenly my gun paled in comparison:

Yup, that's a real-deal SAW. Full-auto & all that. And dude was nice enough to let us play with it. Fortunately we had resident expert Matt on hand to give us a quick how-to first...
and to show us how a man does it....
too bad we didn't have any belts, but 30 round mags are plenty fun too...
I'm glad I didn't sleep off that hangover this morning and instead spent my day out in the sun sweating (and drooling) on someone's belt-fed machinegun.
Fun with SAWs
After my corporate reprimand at C2D HQ earlier this month, I was given the ultimatum to deliver a new Shook Guns post or else take up that job offer for Martha Stewart Living Magazine Online...
So I was gonna do a profile of this slick new AR I built up recently:
But while we were at the ACTS match in Tucson today we ran into this little gem and suddenly my gun paled in comparison:
Yup, that's a real-deal SAW. Full-auto & all that. And dude was nice enough to let us play with it. Fortunately we had resident expert Matt on hand to give us a quick how-to first...
and to show us how a man does it....
too bad we didn't have any belts, but 30 round mags are plenty fun too...
I'm glad I didn't sleep off that hangover this morning and instead spent my day out in the sun sweating (and drooling) on someone's belt-fed machinegun.
get some,
how to,
martha stewart,
Shook Guns,
Tupac's 40th Birthday
This is for you homie! Had to go to like 5 different bodegas around Williamsburg to score me these puppies. I don't want your craft beer, I don't want your fancy bier garden liters, keep 'em. Colt45 forties, just for you. At $4 a pop, this is no longer a budget treat I remember, but who cares about the funds, anything to celebrate 2Pac's 40th. Bomb first.
Exclusive: NEW Yowelli Tittie Bars
Hot off the press and fresh out of the box, we present to you Yowelli's latest creation. The 2" bars. Steel, little over 30" wide, amazing sweep, bananas. Appropriately titled the Tittie bars - cuz they are, well, the titties. Remember where you heard this first - Create2Destroy!
2" rise bars,
tittie bars,
2011 Annual C2D Board Meeting Roundup
2011 Annual C2D Board Meeting Roundup has come and gone.
Donde Estero, Accatone Becchino and myself, Sir Curtis Chorizali had much to discuss as we met around and about Brooklyn and Manhattan, drankin massive amounts of pints all over the damn place, over a few blazing summer days. Gatito Terristo, our infamous intern, was following us around with 80 pounds of photo/video equipment as he was being punished for leaving the AC on at the office overnight for the second day in the row.
How are we doing? Where are we going? When are we going to find time to count all this money coming in from all them cozie and sticker sales? How many more bikes can Curtis buy before the stiffs notice the petty cash being short? How many interns does Donde have to abuse before one of them snaps and sets the office on fire? Why did Accatone bring along with him a wimpy SCAR16s with them tiny noodle rounds instead of the meaty SCAR17S? Doesn't he know that Brooklyn is not like Arizona and you need to pack real heat and not that Toys R Us shit? Everyone felt entitled to voice their dissapointment at me blowing over half the weekly C2D budget on my European excursion. T-shirt designs were talked about. Events discussed. Collaborations tossed about. As we were making it rain and hail at Pumps everyone agreed that we are making it happen and 2011 will be the best year yet. So sincere.
Basically, serious business all around. This year we plan on bringing more original content then ever as well as a few new items to our online store. With a oodles of new series about to kick off and a bunch of sweet interviews lined up, we are thrilled that so many of you keep comming back for more on the daily. Thank you!
Donde Estero, Accatone Becchino and myself, Sir Curtis Chorizali had much to discuss as we met around and about Brooklyn and Manhattan, drankin massive amounts of pints all over the damn place, over a few blazing summer days. Gatito Terristo, our infamous intern, was following us around with 80 pounds of photo/video equipment as he was being punished for leaving the AC on at the office overnight for the second day in the row.
How are we doing? Where are we going? When are we going to find time to count all this money coming in from all them cozie and sticker sales? How many more bikes can Curtis buy before the stiffs notice the petty cash being short? How many interns does Donde have to abuse before one of them snaps and sets the office on fire? Why did Accatone bring along with him a wimpy SCAR16s with them tiny noodle rounds instead of the meaty SCAR17S? Doesn't he know that Brooklyn is not like Arizona and you need to pack real heat and not that Toys R Us shit? Everyone felt entitled to voice their dissapointment at me blowing over half the weekly C2D budget on my European excursion. T-shirt designs were talked about. Events discussed. Collaborations tossed about. As we were making it rain and hail at Pumps everyone agreed that we are making it happen and 2011 will be the best year yet. So sincere.
Basically, serious business all around. This year we plan on bringing more original content then ever as well as a few new items to our online store. With a oodles of new series about to kick off and a bunch of sweet interviews lined up, we are thrilled that so many of you keep comming back for more on the daily. Thank you!
annual c2d meetup,
curtis chorizali,
donde estero,
Shook Guns
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