This is pretty damn wild. A company named FOSS has developed these new bicycle tubes that are made out of highly elastic rubber/plastic stuff that is both really strong and really light. That is all great and all but the real party trick is in the way one can fix a puncture or a pinch flat/snake bite scenario. 1) Deflate the tube completely. 2)Pull out your lighter and heat up the area with the hole in it. 3) Pinch it shut. 4)Let it cool - then ride away. Wow.
Does this really work? We'll order some up and let you know! We really really sure hope it does - as this would mean you'll never be stranded again! Amazing.
i bet you wish you had some of these last week. double flat is a biotch!
get it straight.....triple flat!! all tiny pinches too
i'd be all over this shit....
some much needed innovation.
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