
Coffee Monday

Seems like its going to be one of those coffee monday mornings. Piles of tasks to get through require that certain boost of juice only coffee can provide. Do you like coffee? Do you drink it first thing in the morning? Are we here at C2D HQ all alone on this?


donde said...

Hate to break it to you, but its already wednesday

Curtis Chorizali said...

ooops :)

Stoked said...

coffee's good sometimes, not everyday. i don't need it to wake up like some do.

Curtis Chorizali said...

i dont "need" it to wake up - but i crave the taste shortly after...

bubbs said...

Coffee to wake up? All you really need is proper self control. Eat right, exercise, get rest and boom. Yer set. Maybe a bump or two but thats it. I can quit any time.

Anonymous said...

you crave the taste of skanky moose sphincter sweat in a cup?

Why would you voluntarily suck the cock of a moose?

I mean, really!

Tea, on the other hand, is a gentlemen's beverage.

Curtis Chorizali said...

comparing Tea to Coffee is like comparing people who are over 6'6" tall to normal people - just shouldn't be done.

Anonymous said...

I know where you can get it straight from the moose if you can keep it on the low.